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العودة   منتديات تيرا الحب > القسم العام > الاخبار والحوادث العامه

الاخبار والحوادث العامه رؤية لـ [ العـالم ] وَ صدأ لـ [ الحدث ] وَ [[ الجريـمـة ] ألحوادث والجرائم المُنوِعـة

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قديم 05-30-2010, 07:10 AM
واثقة الخطى غير متواجد حالياً
لوني المفضل Cadetblue
 رقم العضوية : 372
 تاريخ التسجيل : May 2010
 فترة الأقامة : 5112 يوم
 أخر زيارة : 07-24-2018 (04:50 AM)
 المشاركات : 4,954 [ + ]
 التقييم : 4599
 معدل التقييم : واثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond reputeواثقة الخطى has a reputation beyond repute
بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
عدد الترشيحات : 2
عدد المواضيع المرشحة : 2
رشح عدد مرات الفوز : 1
شكراً: 1,509
تم شكره 853 مرة في 588 مشاركة
افتراضي ألمانيا: رفض السماح للمسلمين بأداء الصلاة بالمدارس الحكومية

قضت المحكمة الإدارية العليا بمدينة "برلين" الألمانية بإلغاء الحكم السابق الذي حكمت به في سبتمبر الماضي، والذي بمقتضاه تم السماح لطالب المدرسة الثانوية بأداء الصلاة بالمدرسة خارج الفصل الدراسي حفاظًا على حق الحرية الدينية للطالب.

وتعود القضية إلى نوفمبر 2007؛ حيث قامت إدارة المدارس بمنع الطلاب المسلمين من أداء الصلاة فيما بين الفصول الدراسية من الوقت، بالرغم من تأكيد الطلاب على أهمية أداء الصلاة كفرض إسلامي.

وقد قامت إدارة التعليم بحكومة مدينة "برلين" بالطعن في ذلك الحكم، وأكدت مخالفته للحيادية الدينية التي تقوم عليها المؤسسات في "ألمانيا"، إضافة إلى أن كفالة حق الحرية الدينية للطوائف المختلفة من شأنه أن يضر بالأمن المدرسي.

الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:

Berlin Court Rules Against Muslim Student Prayers

Last year a Berlin court ruled that the 16-year-old Muslim could pray in a private room at his school. Now a higher Berlin court has overturned that judgement, saying the prayers could disturb school peace.

A Muslim high school student will no longer be allowed to pray on school property, following a ruling by the higher administrative court of Berlin. The judgement is the latest step on a legal odyssey that began when the 16-year-old was asked to stop praying in the school hallways in 2007. He was the first student in Germany to demand the right to conduct his prayers at school.

In making the judgment the court was overturning an earlier verdict by a lower court, which had allowed the pupil to perform his midday prayers in a private room at his school in Berlin's working-class district of Wedding.

On Thursday, the higher court ruled that one pupil's rights could not be put before the good of the group as a whole. It argued that in a school with students of various religious beliefs, neutrality was required to ensure a proper learning environment.

The conflict began when, in November 2007, the school's headmistress forbade the student from praying in the hallways during intervals between classes. The student objected, saying he had to pray at school because prayer times were pre-prescribed by his religious beliefs. According to the Koran, a Muslim who lives a strictly religious life should pray five times per day: Morning, midday, afternoon, evening and night.

Following an urgent judgment by a lower court issued in March 2008, the school temporarily allowed the student to pray in a private room during school hours, although it would be outside of classes.

Earlier Court Decision Allowed Student to Pray
Then at the end of September 2009, Berlin's administrative court made the arrangement permanent, giving the student permission to pray at school once a day, when not in class. The court ruled that granting a private room was necessary to guarantee the student's right to freedom of religion.

However the Berlin city government's education authority appealed against that judgment, citing the principal of state neutrality when it came to issues of religion. It also argued that, considering the many different religious denominations that students belonged to, the school peace would be disturbed.

On Thursday the higher administrative court upheld those objections. The court ruled that a restriction of religious freedom at school was justified in this case in order to protect other constitutional freedoms: These could include the right to religious freedom of other students, the rights of parents and the need for peace in schools.

"This is a good day for Berlin schools", the school headmistress Brigitte Burchhardt told German news agency, DPA.

This, however, is not the end of the dispute. Thursday's ruling is now likely to be appealed at a higher court, Germany's Federal Administrative Court.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-02-2010, 04:42 PM   #2

الصورة الرمزية المحب العراقي
المحب العراقي غير متواجد حالياً

بيانات اضافيه [ + ]
 رقم العضوية : 442
 تاريخ التسجيل :  Jun 2010
 أخر زيارة : 01-12-2011 (02:27 AM)
 المشاركات : 217 [ + ]
 التقييم :  10
 معدل التقييم : المحب العراقي is on a distinguished road
لوني المفضل : Cadetblue
عدد الترشيحات : 0
عدد المواضيع المرشحة : 0
عدد مرات الفوز : 0
شكراً: 0
تم شكره 0 مرة في 0 مشاركة

شكرا الك واثقة الخطى احنا لازم انكون اكثر التزاما بديننا الحنيف ومايهمنا هلشي لان ماذ نتوقع من الذي لايعترف اصلا بشي اسمه الله وهلدول متل المانيا نسبة الي ماعندهم دين اغلبية فيها وشكراا على الطرح الحلوو انشالله دئما عندك جديد................... تقبلي مروري

 توقيع : المحب العراقي

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تصميم و وتركيب انكسار ديزاين

الساعة الآن 06:16 AM

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